
Translation Of Translation And Language Variants

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Translation and Language Variants

Yer bum’s oot the windae. Gonnae no’ dae that! If you don 't know what this means and you are an English speaker, what appears to be the problem? The problem is that the Scottish variation or dialect of English is not the same as the American, the Irish, the British, the Australian, etc. In case you were wondering, in American English, the phrase says, "You 're talking rubbish. I 'm not going to do that!" This is more than just a local dialect (Scotland had a number of those, too: Aberdonian, Glaswegian, Edinburgh, Fife, Perthshire, Dundonian), this is an example of an entirely different variation of English.

During your localization process, it is important to understand if you are working with a language that has a significant linguistic variation within a major language. While most speakers of the local variation can comprehend the main language, others may not understand them, and they would know in an instant that the text was not written or addressed for them (one of the main purposes of localization).

Consider another example. Suppose somebody asked you to pop your bonnet and let them check out your dickie. In America, you might get punched in the nose for such language. In England, this is simple car talk you might hear at the mechanic. You are supposed to open up the engine compartment (pop the bonnet) and open up the rear compartment or trunk (check out your dickie), likely to see if you have a spare tire or a car jack.


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