
To Build A Fire

Decent Essays

There is a short YouTube video of “To Build a Fire” that visually does “To Build a Fire” by Jack London justice. Used along with the reading it can assist in the summary and understanding of the nature versus man and the relationship of the man and his dog. Instincts of the dog being more in tune with nature and the hazards of the cold against the ambition of the man and his six o’clock deadline. If the man and dog had a different relationship would the outcome been different? Knowing the dangers does not prevent terrible things from happening, wise is the man that knows his weakness versus believing he is mastery of the land. Nature in this story is the harsh Yukon wilderness which had, “no promise of sun” and, “was not merely colder than 50 below zero; it was colder than 60 below, than 70 below. I was 75 below zero” (London). The man nor dog had seen the sun for many days due with snow over three feet deep. During all of this the dog’s instinct told him that they needed shelter and fire. The …show more content…

He thinks more than once that maybe the old timer’s advice is for someone else that is not a real man. He is tough and harsh on the dog which the story touches upon saying that their relationship is master and slave. “There was no real bond between the dog and the man” (London). He is smart and knows how to handle the weather, the cold, and when he realizes the first fire is needed is refreshed and still plans on making up time to reach the camp. When they leave this fire is where the dog knows the man is making a mistake, its instincts are strong and knows leaving the fire is the wrong decision. There were lots of fire wood available here due the prior, “high water had left a supply of sticks” (London). The man laughs at himself for not making a fire earlier, already showing his

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