
Time Travel : Or Apocalyptic?

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Time Travel: or Apocalyptic: Science Fiction We have discussed, over the semester, several different common themes of science fiction. But there are three common themes of science fiction that stick out the most when reading the novel, The Transall Saga by Gary Paulsen, which would be extreme environmental changes, time traveling, and post-apocalyptic situations. The bluish-white light that transport Mark through time, thousands of years into the future and the way the people look with their webbed feet would serve as the novums within the story. Gary Paulsen wrote this book in 1998 and would best fit into the definition we discussed in the beginning of the course given by the Oxford English Dictionary in 1989 which reads, “Imaginative fiction based on postulated scientific discoveries or spectacular environmental changes, frequently set in the future or on other planets and involving space or time travel.” Although the Oxford English Dictionary definition leaves out the apocalyptic theme, it fits the story almost to a tee.
Here is a little bit of information about the author to help understand the novel better. Gary Paulsen was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on May 17th of 1939. He is currently 77 years old. Gary ran away at just 14 years old because of the way his parents argued and fought all the time. He was adventurous during his childhood and I assume most of his life, which gave him a base for most of his works. Gary graduated high school in 1957 with just a D

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