
Tim O Brien Quotes And Analysis

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In this book, Tim O’brien reveals all his experiences in detail about the war; as well as stories about his fellow soldiers, and makes a true, but over the top about them. He explains how he feels through stories that are difficult to clearly identify as “true.” This book has a lot of themes, death and violence is one of the major themes. A big theme and point in Tim O'Brien’s novel is how many situations hurt the soldiers’ lives. From the beginning, O'Brien starts his work by numbering the many things soldiers have to carry; Knives, guns, pictures, and some feelings and trust issues they had with their family before leaving for war. O'Brien tells us and explains how each soldier was hurting, and how it was for them to get use to the war and the environment they were in, as he says; “Jimmy Cross did not want the responsibility of leading these men. He had never wanted it.” (167). In this quote, O'Brien reveals how tough it was for Lieutenant Cross to have this responsibility in the war. O'Brien contemplated over and over again, trying to decide if he wanted to go to war and if it was for him or not. He has seen it as something he couldn’t do. More the less, they saw the war as irrelevant nonsense at times. …show more content…

For example, it’s proved when O’Brien says; “They moved like mules. By daylight they took sniper fire, at night they were mortared, but it was not a battle, it was just the endless march, village to village, without purpose, nothing won or lost.” (15) In this quote, O’Brien shows the ignorance of the situation. Soldiers didn’t know what they were there for, also, it showed how they don’t care for being there and how it damaged them, mentally and physically.. O'Brien claims he is also attached to war at the same time, he liked it, but he also hated

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