
Thesis Statement For Euthanasia

Decent Essays

Thesis Statement: Euthanasia for humans must be legalized in America because less patients will have to endure a tragic and painful death for the remainder of their life.
REASON #1: Euthanasia ends unbearable suffering.
“Suicide, self-deliverance, auto-euthanasia, aid-in-dying, assisted suicide—call it what you like—can be justified by the average supporter of the so-called 'right to die' movement because advanced terminal illness that is causing unbearable suffering to the individual. This is the most common reason to seek an early end”(Humphry).
Euthanasia used to be limited to patients in the terminal stage of an illness, but it is now thought to be appropriate in some cases of nonterminal patients, for example, those in a persistent …show more content…

The Japan National Police Force indicated that 31,690 people committed suicide in 2010, which was a decrease of 3.5% from the year before. Regardless, it was the 13th consecutive year in which the number of people who committed suicide was over 30,000. At 24.4 suicides per 100,000 people in 2009, Japan had the second-highest suicide rate in the world, coming in just after Russia, a country with a suicide rate of 30.1 per 100,000 people. Both Japan and the United States have about the same number of suicides each year, but Japan has half the population.”
REASON #2 OPPOSITION: Christian believers strongly reject the idea of an assisted suicide because of their beliefs on living a completely natural life and experiencing a natural death.
"The choice of death with dignity, whether by my own hand or with the assistance of my physician, is a moral and a more godly choice than passively enduring a life pointlessly devoid of hope or meaning …show more content…

This is most likely to occur with permanently incompetent patients who are unable to refuse treatment and do not have an advance directive refusing that treatment. Ceasing treatment for permanently incompetent patients who do not have advance directives refusing that treatment but who have communicated to their families that they would not want to live in this kind of condition, is usually considered to be VPE rather then IPE.”
“The Nazis' version of euthanasia was a bizarre interpretation of an idea espoused by two German professors, the psychiatrist Alfred Hoche (1865-1943) and the jurist Karl Binding (1841-1920), in their 1920 book Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten Lebens (The Permission to Destroy Life Unworthy of Life). While initially advocating that it was ethical for physicians to assist in the death of those who requested an end to their suffering, the authors later argued that it was also permissible to end the lives of the mentally retarded and the mentally

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