
Themes In Greasy Lake

Decent Essays

Jordan Ford
Mailin Barlow
ENC 1102
27 Feb 2018
The Theme of Adolescence Found Within T. Coraghessan Boyle’s Greasy Lake
Adolescence is a terrifying ride that everyone experiences. Often times we butt heads with one another. We go to places that reflect on who we are or want to be. At the endo of it all the irony of it is palpable. T. Coraghessan Boyle’s Greasy Lake explores this theme.
Boyle is known for his creative and compelling use of contemporary dialogue. (“Boyle, T. Coraghessan”) This fits in well with all of the talking amongst the teens. Boyle was born “in a lower-middle class home in (a wealthy part of) New York…”(“Boyle, T. Coraghessan”) This could easily been where his thoughts on the young and rich may have formed. His views …show more content…

This can be taken as the boys actions in the dark. They drink, do drugs, and almost rape a girl. While not being watched they do irresponsible things that would make them “bad” and in turn make them seem older. What makes this come together is that the narrator calls both of these scenes nature.
The trio’s character is on complete display as well. They even consider themselves “dangerous characters” (Boyle), but it’s just an act. An act that they carry on for a good portion of the story but quickly lose in the end. In adolescences people act like those that they aspire to be. Personally, I’ve have caught myself acting like a hero right out of a movie. The boys do something similar. As one of the boys, Bobby, hits the “bad” character in the head with a tire iron. The man does exactly what anyone else would, passes out. Bobby is shocked because, to him, the whole ordeal felt like a Hollywood production, complete with its own stuntman (Boyle). The idea that the man may be dead springs up in his mind. He imagines what the inside of the jail looks like, but, this too feels as though it were borrowed from a movie. (Walker) The attempted rape that happens later on is also ripped straight from a movie scene. All of these acts are something that a dumb teen might do or think trying to emulate …show more content…

The narrator and his friends think that they’re tough as nails. Verbally it’s ironic that the boy’s say that their bad but their reasoning is hilarious. One was bad because he “allowed his father to pay for his tuition at Cornell…”(Boyle), a high tier, Ivy League University and another wanted to quit school to be a painter. As the story goes on it is apparent that the boys believe in their façade despite being pampered teens. Dramatically irony shows up when the trio of “bad” (Boyle) characters meet someone who’s been down the road they’re headed and it not being what they expected. The Situational irony is prevalent when the boys are finally recognized as the bad characters that they’ve been trying so hard to be, but all they want to do is cry and “get out of the car and retch…”

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