
Theme Settings In Sonny's Blues By James Baldwin

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The short story “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin, is the tale of two brothers who grew up in Harlem. One brother is a school teacher, husband, and father, whom was left with the responsibility of looking after his younger brother Sonny. Sonny a troubled young man, struggling with his demons and his desire to be a musician. The brothers, born seven years apart, have a complicated relationship. That make it difficult to understand each other; however, the love and bond between them outweigh their differences. The diverse settings throughout the story positively and negatively influence each of these characters, in a plethora of ways.
The narrator or older brother, whom was never named, is an algebra teacher, at a school in Harlem. On the way to work he reads a newspaper article about his brother; Sonny, who was picked up the night before in a drug raid. The narrator is stunned that his little brother, whom he considered to be “wild but not crazy” and had always been “a good boy” (Baldwin 93), got himself caught up in the world of drugs. While, the narrator is teaching he feels what he describes as a block of ice in his stomach that “melts and sends trickles up and down his veins” (93) at the thought of Sonny. Being at the school around young men reminded him of himself, his brother, and his current situation. As he teaches, he cannot help seeing the face of his little brother in the young men. He thinks to himself that Sonny probably wasn’t much older than these young men

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