
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Insanity and a spiral of hectic, tragic events in Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, contributed to the themes of death, despair, and the want for revenge to escalate. The Kenneth Branagh version of Hamlet best depicts Hamlet’s madness in the works. His madness and want for revenge is contributed with the murder and betrayal by Claudius, soon affecting the relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude, and the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia. The strained relationships caused by betrayal between one character and another leads to an obsession for revenge and ultimately only tragedies. Being the only one able to see the ghost of his father, Hamlet loses the image of being the prince of Denmark and gains the image of a madman. The reveal of Claudius being responsible for King Hamlet’s murder ignites the true purpose of Hamlet’s want for revenge. The world was in vibrant light colors when his father was alive and then turned dark after his death. It is also like Hamlet’s life and happiness, it was once colorful and vibrant and once his father died, his world and mind went dark. The hiring and betrayal by Rosencrantz and Guildenstern made Hamlet angry and vengeful. Hamlet took matters in his own hands and turned against his old schoolmates to return to Claudius. His morals and happiness faded and he won't be at peace until he gets his revenge with Claudius. Claudius robbed Hamlet of his happiness and betrayed him more by marrying his mother. The quick marriage of Gertrude and

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