
Theme Of Revenge In Hamlet

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Hamlet’s Revenge The Shakespearean drama, Hamlet, revolves around the theme of revenge. Throughout the play, several of the characters are overwhelmed by anger and pursue their enemy in the attempt of payback. Fortinbras, Laertes, and Hamlet all seek to avenge the deaths of their fathers. Revenge causes them to act blindly on emotion, rather than through reason. Later, each will come to find that revenge is a bitter and ineffective act that can not only destroy another being, but also oneself. To start the play, Shakespeare uses revenge to create the ultimate conflict throughout the story—the hostility between Claudius and Hamlet. Hamlet returns home to grieve the death of his father only to learn of his mother’s sudden marriage to his uncle. As he becomes skeptical of the case of the death, he is visited by a Ghost (supposedly of Old Hamlet) that informs him of the murder rendered by his uncle. The ghost says to Hamlet, “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder.” (Hamlet 1.5. 29) From here, Hamlet goes to great lengths to get Claudius to confess by tampering with the script of a play they will be attending. The additional lines that Hamlet demands be portrayed is the exact act of what the ghost descried to be the death of the old king. When Hamlet sees Claudius’ reaction to the act, he realizes the ghost has told the truth. “O good Horatio, I’ll take the ghost’s word for a / thousand pound!” (Ham. 3.2. 276-277) Claudius, however, proceeds to withhold the truth, and

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