
Theme Of Death In Sylvia Plath's Colossus

Decent Essays

Maria Ponn Sindhuja. P
II MA English Literature
PG & Research Department of English
Holy Cross College
Trichy - 620002
Theme of Death in Sylvia Plath’s Edge and Lady Lazarus Sylvia Plath was born in Boston. Her first collection of poems, Colossus, was published in England in the year 1960 and two years later in the United States. Her marriage was a failure and Ted Hughes, her husband left her in the year 1962. In deep depression, Plath wrote most of her poems that comprised her most famous book Ariel. On 11th February 1963, Plath wrote a note to her neighbour instructing him to call the doctor. Then she committed suicide using her gas oven. Plath’s poetry is often related with the confessional movement. Although only Colossus was published when she was alive, Plath was a fertile writer, and in addition to Ariel Hughes published three other volumes of her works, including The Collected Poems, which was the recipient of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize. Death is a ubiquitous reality in Plath’s poetry and manifests in different ways. The void created by the death of her father could be seen in some of her poems. In Full Fathom Five she speaks about his death, burial and mourning. In Colossus she tries in vain to put him back together again and make him speak. In Daddy she goes further in …show more content…

Here also death is not shown as an end. It is portrayed as a challenge. The poem begins with a confident or rather accomplished tone. The poet says, “I have done it again”. This means that it not the first time the task is being done. But the task is unknown to the reader in the beginning. The title is an insinuation to the Biblical character, Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. The interpretation of the poem suggests that it is about multiple suicide attempts. She explains how she has recovered from her suicide. However the recovery is not celebrated, rather considered being a failure. Here suicide attempts are considered as

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