
Their Eyes Were Watching God Theme

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Stillness is the Sleep of Swords “She knew now that marriage did not make love. Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman” (Hurston, 25). This statement expresses the sixteen-year old’s journey to find herself during a time when many African American woman struggled to find their role in society. Born in Notasulga, Alabama, in 1891, author Zora Neale Hurston moved to Florida at the age of ten to the first incorporated all-black town in the country. Hurston also lived in Harlem, New York as it was undergoing a cultural renaissance known as the Harlem Renaissance. It was a time when political and social leaders were demanding equality for African Americans. Their Eyes Were Watching God was written in 1937 when few writers took …show more content…

So this was marriage (Hurston 11)! There is a sexuality connection between her admiration with the pear tree as well as an idealized view of nature. The tree is a source of inspiration to find love as well as demonstrates the three stages of her life to “demonstrate her growth from innocence to experience to organized innocence.” A search for love is the major theme throughout the novel. The tree represents the stages of love and growth throughout Janie’s life. “Janie saw her life like a great tree in leaf with the things suffered, things enjoyed, things done and undone. Dawn and doom was in the branches” (Hurston 13). During the quest for love, Janie finds that love comes in different forms with different people. In the end, she ends up finding the love for …show more content…

Hurricanes carry powerful energy and suggests a powerful shift in Janie’s life. It is destructive but may also signify the sweeping away of something in life and will bring change. This is precisely what took place as Janie and Tea Cake run from the storm. As the Indians and animals relocated east to safety, they both decide to stay despite the warnings. “Dis time tuhmorrer you gointuh wish you follow crow” (156) foreshadows the impending disaster. The storm brings with it a dog with rabies who bites Tea Cake. After a month without treatment, Tea Cake dies. With the demise of Tea Cake, Janie feels her life is ending as well. “Well, she thought, that big old dawg with the hatred in his eyes had killed her after all” (178). The theme that ties in with the hurricane is mortality. It proves to be a sharp contrast from the pear tree which brings the promise of life and love. The final symbol represented are eyes. It is assimilated in the text in a few ways. Not only is it in the title, but is also represented in the eye of the storm and the way Janie is judged by others. women stared and men noticed her. As they bunkered down during the storm, “six eyes were questioning God” (159). What would be their fate? When would the storm pass? Due to her light skin color and straight hair, Janie perpetually draws attention from both men and

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