
Their Eyes Were Watching God Summary

Good Essays

Name: Shreya Kaul

Title: Their Eyes Were Watching God

Author: Zora Neale Hurston

Summary of the Plot: Their Eyes Were Watching God is about Janie Crawford, a middle-aged African-American women. She returns to Eatonville, Florida after many years and Janie explains her life story to a friend named Phoeby. Janie describes how she was raised by her grandmother, Nanny after her real mother left. Nanny forces Janie into marriage against her will to Logan. Logan is a farmer who is much older than Janie. She is absolutely miserable living with him because he is rude and not romantic. One day Janie meets Joe Starks. He is a charming and ambitious young man who constantly flirts with Janie. Janie falls in love with Joe and runs away with him to Eatonville. Joe Starks …show more content…

1st person does not relate to Their Eyes Were Watching God

3rd person limited relates to Their Eyes Were Watching God because the narrator only reveals Janie’s thoughts and feelings, but is not Janie herself or an active character in the book.

3rd person omniscient does not relate to Their Eyes Were Watching God
Mood- the reader’s emotion and reaction while reading the book.

The mood of Their Eyes Were Watching God changes throughout each relationship. Her marriage with Logan was dark and the feeling of frustration was the mood. Janie’s marriage with Joe was light and happy and first. Then it became repetitive and monotonous because her life became dull. With Tea Cake, the mood was suspicion because she was afraid of dating a younger man or the mood was calm and serene because she felt at peace.
Conflict- a problem such as a disagreement

Internal- a conflict in the character’s mind.
Man vs. Self- the character has to overcome a problem the he/she is faced with in his/her mind.
External- a character is faced with a problem with an outside force
Man vs. Man- a conflict between two

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