
Their Eyes Were Watching God Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Their Eyes Were Watching God: Prompt 4 Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston revolves around the struggles of Janie Starks to find a certain form of love in a still much divided time in society. This essential theme of love is not actually brought out in full effect until the death of Janie’s second husband, Joe Starks. This death brings about the discovery of Tea Cake, a man who fulfills Janie’s views on love, via the compositions of springtime: bright skies, sunny days, and bugs flying around. It took Janie a constant search for this type of love, and after the death of Joe, she finally found it. Janie’s first husband was Logan Killicks. Janie was not able to obtain this kind of love from Logan, considering that all he cared about was her helping him on his acres of land. …show more content…

They moved together to the Muck in the Florida Everglades and lived in Tea Cake's Shanty after the death of Joe. Tea Cake and Janie spent all the time they had together. They remained in constant tune with the nature and even went fishing together. This was the type of lifestyle Janie envisioned all her life. All of Janie’s previous relationships was based off of the spouse. Janie was never allowed to be herself and live the life she wanted. Tea Cake let her be herself. He loved her as she was and accepted all she dreamed of. He encouraged her to be what she wanted to be, to follow her goals, her dreams, and her aspirations. Janie had finally found her the man she had always been looking for. She loved him with everything she had. Janie would do anything for Tea Cake. They had the kind of everlasting love that she had hoped for all her life. Thing were going well for the new couple until a bad storm hit and Tea Cake gets bit by a dog trying to save Janie. Tea Cake ultimately get rabies and begins to act so distraught that Janie is forced to kill him. She killed Tea Cake in loving manner and could not bear watch him suffer

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