
The War On Drugs, Refugee Crisis

Better Essays

United States


Pop. Density
32.5 People per sq km
3.7 People per sq km
Birth rate
12.5 Births / 1000 people annually
10.3 Births / 1000 people annually
Death rate
8.2 deaths / 1000 people annually
8.5 deaths / 1000 people annually
Transnational Issues
Refugee crisis, The war on Drugs,
Illegal drugs, Refugee crisis

In many way Canada and the United States are extremely similar nations. They were both major British colonies in North America before gaining independence, and they have stayed culturally and economically quite similar throughout history. The two countries have relatively similar birth and death rates, similar Transnational issues, dealing with drugs and refugees, …show more content…

The economy of the United States is highly diversified, and it is a global leader in many of the industries that it operates in. Many high tech industries base themselves in the United States, where Silicon valley is home to the western tech giants like Google, Apple, and Facebook. The United States also has infrastructure required to function as a country with such a large landmass, with the United States Interstate Highway connecting the country from coast to coast in many different locations.

The United States has a huge number of military obligations. Notably, the US is the largest and most influential military in the NATO alliance, meaning that any attack on any NATO nation is considered an attack on the US. The US also has various defence agreements with Australia, the Philippines, many Southeast Asian nations, and a large number of Latin American Nations. Because of the United States’s huge military obligations, it has to maintain an large, powerful, and constantly active military. To do this, the US spends 4.35% of its GDP on military activities, totalling in at nearly 800 billion USD annually.

Trade …show more content…

Google Search is the most popular search engine in the world, and just by that has an enormous advantage in information markets. Google has unprecedented access to what people are thinking about at any given moment, information which is extremely valuable to advertisers and marketers. Google also is also an extremely well established company, with its massive revenue allowing it to support its extremely robust infrastructure. Google has massive and modern data centers all over the world, and continues to invest into more infrastructure, including data centers and the new Google Fiber in the United States. Googles massive revenue also allows it to branch off into more innovative pursuits without having to worry too much about funding. Google can pursue expensive and difficult projects that generate little to no revenue for a very long time, if the company believes that the investment will be worth it in the end. Examples of this include Google's Self driving cars, and the aforementioned mentioned Google

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