
The Violence Of Police Brutality

Decent Essays

“HANDS UP! DON’T SHOOT!” The Rise of Police Brutality “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” These were the last words of Eric Garner, a middle-aged African American man. Garner died at the hands of multiple police officers who were trying to restrain him for selling cigarettes. These sorts of images are showcased on television way too often. To the point that some people feel helpless, they know that they alone do not have the power to overthrow the superiority of an officer. So they have really no choice but watch the tragedy unfold. Also fear that if they interfere, that they may be the next victim. “I am most struck by the behavior of the EMTs, who stood along with the police and did nothing as they watched Eric Garner die” (Williams 10). Although some people deny that police brutality is a problem, recent studies and events (such as the one listed above) prove that ultra-aggressive police officers, militarization of police agencies, and the effects of racism have increased police brutality. A number of people dismiss the idea of police brutality being an actual problem in the United States. Some see it as a manner of the officer is simply doing what he or she is told. “Dom Arotzarena, President of Oakland Police Union says: ‘The police officers are being told what to do. It 's not like they 're going out acting alone. This was a major operation. We were directed to do this’” (Kahn.). So does the idea of doing what one is told excuse the attacking and gunning down of

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