
The Use Of Deadly Force By Police Officers

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The Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers in the Field: Understanding the Complexities and Issues Surrounding Deadly Force
Jessica Woodward
Columbia College
MSCJ 501
Current Issues and Future Directions in Criminal Justice


In light of the recent spate of police-involved homicides of suspects who may or may not have put the lives of the police involved in fear for their safety and well-being, this paper seeks to examine the use of deadly force by police officers in the line of duty. The training involved in using one’s service weapon in situations that call for a determination of the use of force will be explored, as will the rules, regulations, and extenuating circumstances that lead to the firing of a service weapon in the line of duty, resulting in the death of a suspect. The Supreme Court cases that have led to and/or upheld laws allowing a broader interpretation of what is considered justifiable use of deadly force will be briefly examined. Additionally, the use of non-lethal weapons, such as Tasers, by police forces and how the availability of these weapons influences the rate of deadly force will be inspected. Finally, an elucidation of the various perceptions of the general public of the police after use of deadly force is used within their communities will be addressed.

The Use of Deadly Force by Police Officers in the Field: Understanding the Complexities and Issues Surrounding Deadly Force
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