
The United States has Changed from a Melting Pot to a Vast Culture with Varying Racial Backgrounds

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The United States has Changed from a Melting Pot to a Vast Culture with Varying Racial Backgrounds

The United States, created by blending or melting many cultures together into one common man, known as an American. Modern communication and transportation accelerate mass migrations from one continent . . . to the United States (Schlesinger 21). Ethnic and racial diversity was bound to happen in the American society. As immigration began to explode, . . . a cult of ethnicity erupted both between non-Anglo whites and among nonwhite minorities. (22). Until recently, the only country who has made a multiethnic society work, was the United States. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur said, in America individuals of all nations are melted …show more content…

The increasing accommodations directed toward immigrant culture worries many Americans. Americans fear the special treatment granted to immigrants will affect the unifying force of the country. Today, the trend is toward multiculturalism, diversity and adapting the newcomer, rather than on the newcomer adapting himself or herself to a diverse society (61). Many Americans believe the nation has lost control of its boundaries. Concerned if immigration continues, the U.S. economy will suffer, and that employment will be scarce. Immigrants are flooding the welfare rolls and are heavily involved in crime. (Morganthau 18). The increase number of U.S. immigrants does affect the number of jobs available. The problem is, immigrants are either highly qualified (take American jobs) or are less than skilled in any field (increase welfare). The view on immigration today is one of a drag on the economy, instead of a lift (18). In 1995, new immigration laws transfigure the American society. As a result, races group together to defend their customs. The current immigration problem also increases the racial tension facing America today. One result of racism in the United States is hate groups and gangs. Both have only one thing in common--violence! The very use of the term of color - which embraces blacks, . . . Asians, Native
Americans and Hispanics, . . . many whom are ethnically white - implies that these

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