
The United State Of America

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The 113th Congress has been considered as the worst congress in the history of the United States. The highly polarized institution showed its inefficiency when dealing with the fiscal budget. By failing to pass a new budget, the American government shutdown for a couple of weeks. One of the leading causes of disagreement between the two parties was the extension of the debt ceiling limitation. The government is accruing more and more debt every year, and not passing a budget could eventually lead to a default on American loans. Although the 113th congress resolved their issues during the 16 days of shutdown, they ultimately postponed the battle till the next year. In my paper, I will explain the background of S.540, the Temporary Debt Limit Extension Act, who introduced it and how each party opposed each other on this bill. This bill went through a yearlong journey starting in the Senate and ending on the president’s desk. I will then conclude by evaluating the proposed bill and explain why it was signed and enacted as a law. The United State of America has increasingly taken on debt in an effort to bounce back from a string of financial deficits. The recent debt hikes can be linked to both Presidents Bush’s tax cuts and President Obama’s Stimulus package. The presidents have caught much of the brunt of negative public opinion. One must consider the fact that congress expects the president to enact their budget reforms while simultaneously reducing the amount of

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