
The United Arab Emirates

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Sustainable Development
Throughout the extent of time in which humans have inhabited the Earth, it has only been in the past couple hundred years that humanity has developed technology at an astonishing rate. From the early 1800s and onward, the human population has skyrocketed and advancements in technology have rapidly progressed through the course of a relatively short period of time. In that time, society has become a massive, interconnected network of people that are dependent on resources that originate from different parts of the world. With the technology of today, society has enabled resources that range from food to oil, to be transported to areas of the world in which those select resources are not available. An extreme example of this would be the city of Dubai, which is part of one of the seven emirates that constitute the United Arab Emirates. Dubai is one of the most impressive and wealthiest cities in the world and is well known for the luxurious lifestyle, extremely modernized architecture, and can be viewed as the epitome of a Westernized society. However, the land of the United Arab Emirates is sandy and barren, and not capable of being used for agricultural purposes, there is no major fresh water supply, and very few natural resources. With the absence of farmland and water, Dubai is a city that depends on the resources found worldwide that are purchased with the revenue from oil exports. Dubai has capitalized on its predominant resources and found

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