
The Theory Of Human Resource Management

Decent Essays

Seminar 1: Developing the practitioner Firstly, I would like to define the concept of Human Resource Management. “This term is not easy to define because it is commonly used in two different ways. On the one hand it is used generically to describe the body of management activities covered in book, and on the other hand, the term is equally widely used to denote a particular approach to the management of people which is clearly distinct from personnel management”. (Torrington, Hall, Taylor & Atkinson, 2011: p.6) In our first seminar, we studied the Gibb’s model of reflection (1988), a model that we can use in many ways of our daily life and to complete the structure of the seminars. The teacher told us to think about the roles of HRM we actually have, and the roles which we would like to develop in this module. The skills that I think I actually have are: - I am quite organised. - I am a talkative person. - I act directly instead of thinking what to do before. After that, we talked about the skills that I would like to develop during this module: - Persuade a group of people through my words. Develop my communication skills. - Propose solutions when we have a problem. - Be able to develop my working as part of a team. Minutes later, the teacher shown us the webpage of CIPD and we learnt what skills are needed for a HRM practitioner. According with the CIPD profession map (2013), a great HR professionals work from a deep business, contextual and organizational understanding

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