
The Stranger Absurdism

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The Stranger focuses on the character of Meursault, a man whose perspective cannot be understood by those around him. His neutral character is created by Albert Camus to reveal many themes and paradoxes within the text. The title itself has its own significant meaning, and the characters and themes within the text can reveal its meaning to the novel. The title The Stranger reveals Meursault’s strange character stemming from absurdism after being isolated from everyone, as well the stranger within those who judge him throughout the novel.

Meursault acts apart from everyone else in The Stranger, making him strange and different from everyone else. This connects to the theme of isolation and how Meursault deals with it. His separation from society, …show more content…

Although Meursault begins to have realizations of his actions and his own self, he is still being judged by everyone as a stranger according to his actions in Part 1, a man who had no reasoning or explanation behind anything he did. The reason Meursault shot the arab multiple times does not exist, he had no reason to shoot him, but he just did. This once again shows absurdism, because there is no explanation for his actions, and this disturbs the jury even more, and they harshly judge him. Meursault is not the only stranger though. As he was seen as a stranger by those who were judging him in Part 2, he saw those same people as strangers too. In Chapter three, Meursault was under a ton of pressure in the court sessions, and as everyone was staring at him, he could not recognize a single face. Everyone was a stranger to him, and “With the crowd and stuffiness of the air … was feeling a bit dizzy” (Camus 52). As Meursault was unable to recognize anyone, he became uncomfortable. It is also important to recognize that in Part 2, Meursault does not name anyone, unlike Part 1. He only names people by their role, such as “magistrate” or “prosecutor.” He is once again isolated from everyone in Part 2, and they are all strangers to him as he is being judged for his murder. Absurdism and isolation show their role in making Meursault, as

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