
The Stop And Frisk Policy

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Imagine a person wearing a black hoodie with their hood up, walking down the street minding their own business. As the person is walking down the street, they see a police cruiser pass by driving slowly. The persons then notices that both officers in the police cruiser are staring them down as they pass by. The person then continues to walk when all of a sudden, the police vehicle makes a U-turn and heads right towards the persons way. Both police officer exit the vehicle and command the person to put their hands on top of their head. The person asks the officer why am I are being stopped and they simply reply “were stopping you because you look suspicious with that black hoodie on.” Is that right? This is happening in our community because of Stop and Frisk. I believe the Stop and Frisk policy based in New York City is a biased and unconstitutional tactic that police officers use. The Stop and Frisk Policy states “if the police have reasonable suspicion that a person is armed and dangerous, they may conduct a frisk, a quick pat-down of the person’s outer clothing.” ( I am not Pro-Stop and Frisk: by stopping an individual based on the officers own suspicion, the officer is violating that person right of privacy. The fourth amendment in the United States Constitution.
The fourth amendment protects against “arbitrary arrests, stop-and-frisk, safety inspections, wiretaps, and other forms of surveillance, as well as being central to many other

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