
The Specific Learning Disability

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Under IDEA (2004), Disproportionality continues to exist in several categories listed, especially the categories of the Specific Learning Disability (SLD), Emotional Disturbance (ED), and Intellectual Disability (ID) ,(Gamm, 2007). Disproportionality is defined as the “overrepresentation” and “under-representation” of a particular population or demographic group in special or gifted education programs relative to the presence of this group in the overall student population (National Association for Bilingual Education, 2002). So many factors are responsible for this disproportionality, but the key factors, as apparent from researchers are; (1) gender difference, (2) overrepresentation of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse CLD population, (3) unsuccessful teaching approaches, (4) poor classroom management skills, and (5) assessment policies and practices. The gender difference is one of the key factors responsible for disproportionate in many categories listed under IDEA. Researches show that greater numbers of male students are recognized with special needs than female students. Across all ethnic and racial groups, twice as many males as females are recognized as needing special education services in primary schools, specifically in certain categories (Holt, McGrath, & Herring, 2007). These categories are SLD, ED, and ID. According to these facts from the U.S. Department of Education (2006) (a) Approximately 75 percent of students with specific learning disabilities

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