
The Smallpox Vaccine

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When the Smallpox disease made an overpopulated England its territory, it thrived and wiped out thousands of people (“Smallpox Vaccine: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”). Smallpox was a major threat to many countries and civilizations for thousands of years; however, the permanent cure for the disease began in England. During the eighteenth century, a physician by the name of Edward Jenner was credited with the invention of the most important piece of medical technology, the vaccine, and became known as the “Father of Immunology”. Although Edward Jenner encountered errors in his research, and people questioned the ethics of the vaccine trials, he used his knowledge, determination, and medical experience to explore a more efficient and advanced …show more content…

He was inspired by the tales of milkmaids who already suffered cowpox and did not catch a severe case because their immunity was built to prevent further infection from cowpox. The first experiment was based off of this tale. He injected pus from a milkmaid’s cowpox pustule into a healthy boy and later discovered that when he injected the boy with smallpox a few weeks later, the boy did not become deathly ill. The same experiment was tested on a milkmaid who had not contracted either cowpox or smallpox, and the results were identical to the boy’s, which confirmed the effective use of the vaccine (Dr. Edward Jenner, "An …show more content…

There are samples of smallpox being kept in laboratories to create vaccines, in case there is another smallpox outbreak in the United States; however, this is considered to be a potential agent of bioterrorism. With the eradication of smallpox in America, it was not necessary to continue using the smallpox vaccine on Americans. This makes Americans who haven’t been immunized for smallpox more susceptible to contracting and spreading it if there was another outbreak to occur. Therefore, this makes America vulnerable to the disease if someone were to introduce it to the population. (Whitley RJ). If this were to happen, we would risk infecting every other place in the world because of how many people and products from America move around the

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