
The Similarities Between The February Revolution And The October Revolution

Decent Essays

The February Revolution (or in the European calendar, the March Revolution) was a large scale revolution that was popular among almost all people of Russia. It holds many differences to the later-occurring October Revolution (or November Revolution, the Bolshevik Revolution) that was smaller scale and based around the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks, and not many similarities. This essay will talk about the differences of the two revolutions, as well as the sparse similarities they possess.

One of the main differences between the February Revolution and the October Revolution was the scale. The February Revolution was visibly larger, after the accumulation of all the issues that had been forming and developing since the debatable success of the 1905 Revolution. The revolution was enough of a success to remove Nicholas II from the throne, and create other reforms such as inputting a Provisional Government to take power (as well as a Soviet). In it participated people from all walks of life- the middle class, peasants, workers, and even soldiers. The October Revolution, on the other hand, was relatively small and less due to accumulated anger. The Bolsheviks seized the …show more content…

the February Revolution used World War One as the final breaking point for the people- the heavy losses combined with economic shortages, especially of food. Similarly, the notion that the Bolsheviks had towards the war and access to food won them a lot of support which made the October revolution possible. The slogan “peace, land, bread” encouraged even the least educated Russians with its simplicity- especially during a war as difficult and draining as that one. Although the war being fought was the same, the October Revolution missed out on the worst peak of it, as well as some of the anger being already diminished by the Provisional Government (that were very much supporting an aggressive

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