
The Rule Of Law And Political Power

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The state is created to stave off anarchy and establish the rule of law. Critical to the organization of a new state is the constitutional democratic regime which it adopts to ensure the longevity and stability of the state. A key factor in determining state viability is the organization of the regime and allocation of political power, a concept known as institutional design. How political power is allocated among rival factions determines whether polarization and conflict results in compromise, gridlock, or, in extreme cases, the collapse of the state. In democratic regimes, there have historically been two formats under which political power has been designed: presidentialism and parliamentarism. However, both have been unreliable. Presidentialism has exacerbated systematic fragility in countries such as Brazil and Chile resulting in military coups. Parliamentarism has caused the fragmentation of political power leading to a confusing proliferation of minority parties and gridlock. In hopes of overcoming its constituents’ failures, a third system has been constructed mixing aspects of both presidentialism and parliamentarism – semi-presidentialism. Employing both a president and prime minister, semi-presidentialism attempts to provide flexibility and continuity to democratic regimes. This system is not to be confused with president-parliamentarism, where the president has the power to confirm or dismiss the prime minister . Without leverage over the prime minister,

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