
The Rise Of Technology In The Workplace

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ntroduction The world of technology has evolved rapidly over the last decade, and continues to evolve and change each day. Technology has slowly become a part of the everyday life whether it be home, social, or the workplace. The rise of technology has allowed people to do something that was not necessarily easy, and that is stay connected. The rise of technology has allowed people to access and have information at the tips of their fingers, and communicate with others in different parts of the world. Technology has of course made its way into the workforce, which most businesses and organizations have embraced. Technology has allowed information technology personnel’s to cultivate innovate ways to upgrade business processes and make them more accessible, easy to navigate and user friendly. In addition, the power of technology has made the workload a lot easier, for example cutting back on paperwork and creating software to where information can be safely stored and accessed by authorized workers. Technology has also made it easier to share information with the necessary people within an organization without them being physically present. Nowadays, you can utilize software’s that allow you video conference, this has allowed workers to not have to be located in the same geographical location to work together. In addition, companies have also invested in systems that store their files, which can be accessed by a virtual private network so everyone within the organization

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