
The Right to Privacy Essay

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Privacy Laws - For
Privacy laws are established because people have a right to privacy, to an extent. For many years people have argued over their privacy rights, from online videos, to people spying on them, even people stealing internet. People think that they should be completely secluded from others seeing what they’re doing, but in all reality, there’s no stopping people from seeing what you are doing. With more people using the flaws within our media and lives, we as a society must come to accept the fact that people are watching us.
With new technology coming out, people have a chance to abuse their flaws. Browsers should make it to where hackers are unable to look at their personal material. We all know that’s not happening anytime …show more content…

“Parents or eligible students have the right to inspect and review the student's education records maintained by the school.” (U.S. Department of Education) Because of FERPA, The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, parents are able to monitor their student/children progress in school. If a student were to lie about a grade, the parents have several ways to find out if they were lying. First of all, for Alvarado, we have Skyward, a way for parents and students to check grades, and with FERPA, they can also get the records themselves. “Protecting Children’s Privacy Online – The law sets out specific guidelines about the online collection of personal information from children under 13.” (The U.S. Small Business Administration) With more creepers and people looking for an easy target, it’s so easy for them to get your information. With this law protecting thirteen year olds and younger, it’s harder for them to get to them. My opinion though, is that they should raise the age, teenagers are still young, and they can do some reckless things either over the web, or in real life. The government is starting to take action in protecting us, but we need to learn to accept it. Yes, change is difficult to get use to or agree with, but change is good. “Health Information Privacy, the Office

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