
The Relationship Between Tqm And Financial Performance Of The Kplc Essay

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CHAPER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes the methodology to be used in the study in order to achieve the purpose and objectives of the study. It describes the research design, target population, sample size and sample selection, research instruments to be used, their reliability and validity, procedures for data collections, data analysis techniques, and ethical considerations. 3.2 Research Design This study will use concurrent triangulation design with mixed methodologies of collecting data. Cresswell (2014) opined that using mixed methods is imperative in capturing the best of both quantitative and qualitative approaches, an aspect commonly known as triangulation. The qualitative data will be collected through interview schedules, while quantitative data will be collected through the issuance of semi-structured questionnaires. The quantitative design attempts to establish the existence of the relationship between TQM and financial performance of the KPLC. Given that the study will use both quantitative and qualitative methodologies of collecting data, the concurrent triangulation technique, will be used to quantify QUAL data and harmonize with QUAN data generated from the questionnaires. The integration will focus on how the results from both methods are similar or different, with the primary purpose being to compliment strengths of each other and avoid overlapping of weaknesses. This will be used in different research phases to realize a

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