
The Pros And Cons Of Concussions In Football

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Down, set, hut! Almost everyone in America knows these famous lines spoken while the game of football is in play. However, what is the next thing to happen after these words? The following events that occur after a ball is snapped back to the quarterback are destructive, not only to the physical body but also to the mind. Immediately concluding a snap, ten to twenty football players hit, jolt, and tackle one another in light of furthering or stopping the ball. The ranges of these hits happen from anywhere on the body including the legs, torso, and even the head and neck area.
Although many people look at this type of activity and sport as a type of entertainment or amusement, are the right precautions taken to make sure it is safe? Do people realize how much force can impact the body from one significant hit to the head? Well for those people out there who do not realize it, a lot can happen to the mind, emotions, and body in general from one massive hit. While we look at the history of sports, football to be more specific, it is not until the most recent years that people have started to realize the long-term damages it causes. Throughout the basis of this position paper, I will be debating on the controversy of concussions present in the National Football League (NFL) and the sport of football in general. Currently in the National Football League, concussions are looked at as a dangerous aspect but most definitely a recoverable feature. Concussions are an

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