
The Problem Of Environmental Racism

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In this paper, we are going to provide a quick overview of what environmental justice is and when this phenomenon started to then analyze the dilemma of environmental racism in minorities’ neighborhoods. At the same time we will try to present some solutions to the matter as well as explain if we believe that this kind of social-race problem could be addressed in a near future or it will be ignored and forgotten by the new generations. The environmental justice movement is tightly related to the Civil Rights act created in 1964 and the work of Dr. Martin Luther King. Many believe that the real origin of the movement was in Warren County, North Carolina when residents protested about a landfill placed in their county causing some serious environmental pollution. After this event, communities around the country mainly low income, reported similar impacts in their neighborhood and land, making everyone aware of a new wave of racial discrimination, reason enough to get the attention of human rights activists who promptly took action and a new political agenda was created. The environmental movement main purpose is to seek change in the abuse of decisions made by people in power to the disproportional exposure of color people and other racial minorities to polluted air, soil and water causing long term health effects by allowing the construction of waste or nuclear facilities in the same segregated area were poor people are located. Based on the description above many

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