
Peer Pressure Essay

Decent Essays

Peer Pressure Peer pressure is defined by Merriam-Webster as a feeling that one must do the same thing as other people of one’s age and social group in order to be liked or respected by them. Peer pressure can have a potentially positive or negative effect, or it can be both. With peer pressure their come roles. The general roles in a school girl’s clique contain but are not limited to queen bee, sidekick, banker, floater, torn bystander, pleaser, or target. The main role of a girls social group would be the queen bee. The queen bee is the head of the social group. Some of the qualities of this role would include her being the head of the friend group. She is not intimidated by others, but she can intimidate her peers to get them to do just about anything she wants. She has the mentality that if she feels she has been wronged then she has the idea that she can seek revenge. She has the mindset that is better than others, because she is in control. The positive effects of peer pressure for this role would be, “She feels power and control over her environment. She’s the center of attention and people pay homage to her” (Wiseman, 347). The negative effects of being queen bee could be that she tries so hard to keep her self-image that she could lose herself in the process. The biggest negative effect of this role from peer pressure would be as Wiseman says, “She may easily feel that she can’t admit to anyone when she’s in over her head because her reputation dictates that she

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