
The Political Of Political Socialization

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The process of political socialization is vital in the developing of how one views politics, the way they act or choose not to act, and how they identify within the political system. Although countless influences sway or attract us to a given political view, party, or identification, there are undoubtedly certain factors that play a bigger role in this process. Some of the most prominent agents of political socialization are as follows; family, media, peers, education, religion, faith, race, gender, age, geography, and socioeconomic status. We know these develop or determine our views of politics but now we’ll look at how and why they have such an impact.
Family is the first and most important agent of political socialization. Mothers and fathers, or legal guardians, siblings and grandparents, as well as members of an extended family, all teach a child what he or she needs to know in order to function successfully within society including the political process. The family is a powerful influence because the structure of the family and the child wanting to please his or her parents encourage conformity not only to the parents ' basic life views and beliefs but also to their political values. In particular, children will often identify with the parents ' political party while those who don’t register usually support some of the views of the party which their parents favored or have no interest in politics typically because their parents didn’t show interest in politics. I

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