
The Ontario Retirement Pension Plan

Decent Essays

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the creation of the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan and to argue that it is a necessary and potentially effective way to ensure that workers in the private sector in Ontario will be able to retire and live comfortably. This conclusion is not made lightly as it is import to view any broadening of government influence through the most critical of lenses. However, there is an increasing need for Ontarians to save for retirement and it is becoming more and more apparent that private pension plans will not be able to meet the needs of most people. This is because too few people have private pensions and the once that do exist sit on volatile ground. In order to understand why the ORPP is justifiable policy, it is necessary to understand the scope, extent and dimensions of the policy problem. With the Baby Boomers in the process of retirement there are fewer people paying to support the pensions of greater numbers of people. Governments at the federal, provincial and municipal levels have all made financial promises without taking steps to ensure that promised programs are adequately funded. This is creating two classes of retirees. The first are public sector employees with extremely generous tax-payer funded guaranteed pensions. The second is everyone else- the 80 percent of people who depend on other, far less desirable means like the Canadian Pension which is drastically underfunded particularly when compared to the pension

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