
The New Deal Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”- President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This words were announced to the American public by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in his Inaugural Address, where he tried to reassure the people that everything would be fine. Having just experienced the prosperous era of the Roaring Twenties, not many people thought good times would ever end. However, this proved to be incorrects as pandemonium and turmoil overcame the people in October 29, 1929 with the Stock Market Crash. With the economy sliding downhill, Americans faced many problems that would change the government’s role in the economy. Nevertheless, many actions were also taken by both individuals and groups alike in response to this economic depression. …show more content…

Roosevelt proposed a “new deal” for the people, which would provide aid to the public during the depression (it was meant to provide “Recovery, Relief and Reform”). According to Document 6, the political cartoon illustrates Franklin D Roosevelt with a bag labeled “New Deal Remedies” which pretty much shows the action plan that he had in mind in order to help the United States recover from the economic downfall. To add on, many public offices or churches also contributed in helping many homeless and unemployed people as they would serve soup or bread (Document 4). However, some people also felt kind of left out and thus the Bonus Army (World War 1 veterans) went protesting in Washington D.C. Thus, in this times of despair many people and groups reacted in different …show more content…

During this time period, Americans faced many problems (mass unemployment and the loss of their lives savings). However, may also did things in response to this. In big part, the federal government intervened pretty much as they greatly affected the American lifestyle through Social Security (one of the federal agencies in Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal which was proposed during the Great Depression), which still impacts us today. In other words, the reason as to why many American citizens have to pay

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