
The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus

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Attention: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” (Emma Lazarus). This sentence can be found in the poem “The New Colossus,” written by Emma Lazarus in 1883. It can also be found inscribed on the Statue of Liberty towering over the New York Harbor, a bright beacon symbolizing the freedom and democracy we hold so esteemed in America. Immigrants founded the United States and immigrants are arguably who made our nation so great. However, when immigrants do not follow the process to acquire legal citizenship into the United States is when the problems arise.

Thesis: People have been immigrating to the US for decades and is something our nation was founded on; however, when it is left unregulated, it can have many adverse affects.

Preview: Today, I will be addressing how illegal immigration impacts us and I will be introducing a policy to address the problem.

Transition to first main point: To start, there are multiple problems that result from illegal immigration.

Population levels have risen drastically, partially due to increased illegal immigration activity, that affects the job market for Americans. According to Jens Krogstad and Jeffrey Passel, senior demographers at the Pew Research Center, there were 11 million illegal (undocumented) immigrants living in the US in 2014 of 320 million and that number is growing by 700,000 a year.
According to Alan Gomez of USA Today, author of “Depolarizing the Immigration

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