
The Nemesis Of Humanity In Shakespeare's Othello

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The Nemesis of Humanity During the progression of humanity, innovations have progressed, new ideals have developed, but one constant adversity follows humanity’s development. They are the imperfections of humanity such as jealousy, greed, and hatred. These elements can devour one’s identity, however one can evade them by following the right reflections of one’s morales. As the Buddha said, “Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind,”.Human flaws do not pose as a barrier, but as an obstacle one must surpass in order to gain a more enlightened perspective on being human. Humanity’s greatest threat is the danger of the hazards other humans pose that can disrupt one’s lifestyle. …show more content…

Othello’s wife Desdemona could always see through Iago’s veil of deception, and knew a different Othello than Iago did. The reason that Desdemona and not Cassio and Othello uncovered Iago’s deception was due to the fact that all of their reputations were built on conquest and personal gain, not on core values that makes them human. The only reputable element Desdemona holds is her honesty. Desdemona’s honesty wavers when the handkerchief icon was brought up, but never did it collapse.” So would not I. My love doth so approve him/ That even his stubbornness, his cheeks, his frowns-/Prithee, unpin me-have grace and favor.(IV,iii 19-21) The foil between Desdemona and Emilia illustrates this concept, going to show the vulnerable and rash Emilia, intent of the threat right under his eyes where as Desdemona never believed anything unless concrete evidence is established. This foil uncovers the slyness of Iago and by the end of the play, all the good that was left with Iago, all the moments of hesitation that he could’ve changed had become embellished in fear, regret, and dispersal of power towards his foes . “ Yet while neither Othello nor Iago is at home in the prevailing social system, they are both deeply embedded by it, like all the other characters, and are shaped by it. (Snyder, 7) Iago’s very motive have become uncontrollable and Iago …show more content…

Othello carried two sides of Iago, one that wanted recognition from the rest of the world, and one that passively thought about the morally right actions. Iago let his darker side consume him because he did not listen to his inner self, only with the dealings with other peoples, and the feelings of cheat he had experienced when Othello replaced Cassio as his lieutenant. Shakespeare is emphasizing an attribute about greed by using Iago lust. Iago’s main goal was the constant pursuit to undermine Cassio and Othello, but his greed took him farther than winning back his reputation. The lust of greed after Othello confides in Iago, shows that Iago’s vulnerability is hubris. “ But when he is with his superiors his true emotions are hidden below the surface of his calculating will. He makes a nearly perfect pretense of being a pleasant, decent, humorous fellow: except for his treatment of his gull and his wife”(Rosenberg 172). The only reason Iago can pretend to be a good person is because he has remembered when jealousy and greed were mere words to Iago. Others view Iago as a dark storm cloud, progressing from one victim to the next, but that assumption is not accurate. Once Iago secured his status back, he had to destroy the essence of everyone he knew, because if he hadn’t, Rodrigo would have consulted Cassio, and a new wave of perception would draw Iago past his original status as being a man

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