
The Negative Effects Of Colonialism

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When looking back on history, it becomes very clear to see the negative role colonialism played in the past and its shadows that still remain today. Colonialism was bad for the world because not only did it cause millions of deaths and tragedies but it also ruined globalization, thereby becoming the catalyst for the stark income inequality now seen between and within modern nations. Because of the unequal playing field colonialism created natural laws on capitalism were influenced and the whole world was pushed off point. It is crucial to look upon the past, learn from its mistakes, and then use that information to try to find a solution to the current global issues nations deal with.
First, it is important to point out the numerous evils and injustices colonialism caused to colonized regions. When colonialists entered into new countries, they gave little concern to the well being of the people within the region or the region's long term sustainability. They were more concerned with their economic goals and acted in such a way that would only benefit their people, not the indigenous groups that had already occupied the land. The europeans displaced …show more content…

Because of all the revenue companies like the Dutch and British East India companies gained from these colonized nations, they then acquired the power to regulate most intercontinental economic transactions (Steger 2013: 12). By taking control over and limiting free trade in these colonies, it messed with the natural workings of the invisible hand and caused the large wealth inequality seen around the world today. The effects of cultural imperialism on these nations caused them to be dependent on western nations even after liberation because of the extreme underdevelopment they felt during the colonial

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