
The Negative Aspects Of Colonialism

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Throughout history, colonialism has impacted many cultures. Some have been completely transformed into something new, while others didn’t really change. Colonialist come into a culture and try to alter it for their own good, and to mirror their beliefs. Even with forceful colonialist, sometimes they didn’t always make the changes they want with a certain culture, some stuck with their culture, no matter who came in and tried to change it. Colonialism in cultures did not always strip it of its identity, but was incorporated in with the preexisting culture native to that part of the world.
Colonialism can have positive aspects and negative aspects to the place they are colonizing as stated in the article “A controversial article praises colonialism. But colonialism’s real legacy was ugly” by Brandon Kendhammer “The “reversal of fortunes” thesis suggests that countries that succeeded in the post-colonial world were relatively poor when they were colonized, while those that have done the worst were often more prosperous to begin with.” The more prosperous countries did poorly after being colonized, whatever made them prosper, was taken from them. Their culture made them prosperous, and when the colonialist came in and took it from them, their country started doing poorly, because their new beliefs didn’t fit well with preexisting culture, that worked for that group of people.
In the book Thing Fall Apart, their country is invaded with colonialist, stripping them of their Ibo culture into the colonialist christian beliefs. Achebe shows that some of their culture is still there when Okonkwo has killed himself.
“Why can’t you take him down yourselves?” he asked. “It is against our custom.” said one of the men. “It is an abomination for a man to take his own life. It is an offense against the Earth, and a man who commits it will not be buried by his clansmen. His body is evil, and only strangers my touch it. That is why we ask your people to bring him down, because you are strangers.”(Achebe 207)
Okonkwo felt as if he had no other choice than to kill himself because his culture was being stripped away from him, and he went against his own culture, in the fact that it was disgraceful for anyone to kill themselves.

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