
The Narrative Of The Life Of A Slave Girl By Harriet Tubman

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Injustice is a prevailing theme in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl by Harriet Tubman, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass by Frederick Douglass, Spider Woman 's Web by Susan Hazen-Hammond and Great Speeches by Native Americans by Bob Blaisdell; the diligence of several characters have made it possible for them to preserve and overcome injustices. America has not always been a land of the free for colored people; white settlers destroyed the meaning of freedom when they robbed the land from the indigenous people. Freedom was also destroyed when slaves in America were not treated as full human beings. Despite of many obstacles the oppressed faced, their thirst for freedom and determination helped them in reaching their goals. Slavery was a mental and physical degrading system keeping human beings such as Harriet Tubman in Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl from gaining freedom. Tubman was born into slavery following the status of her enslaved mother; she recalls a wonderful childhood due to being naive about the slave system. However, as Tubman becomes old enough to work, she is under the power of her owner 's father, Mr. Flint, who does not let her out of his sight. Harriet Tubman becomes a victim of obsession as well as sexual harassment; she felt the perverted stares of her master, she received derogatory letters outlining his desires for her and made her feel worthless. Tubman tried to escape these perversions by telling her master 's wife, Mrs. Flint,

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