
The Model For Large Integrated Companies

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In the 20th century, the model for large integrated companies was to ‘own, manage, and directly control’ their assets. In the 1950s and 1960s, the companies adopted to diversification methods with a motive to protect profits, even though expansion needed multiple layers of management. Subsequently, organizations that attempted to compete globally in the 1970s and 1980s were handicapped by a lack of agility that resulted from bloated management structures. Hence, in order to increase their flexibility and creativity, many companies decided to develop a new strategy of focusing on their core businesses, this new strategy led to the evolution of a strategy known as ‘Outsourcing’.
Outsourcing can be defined as ‘the strategic use of outside sources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources’. In this strategy, the organizations contract out major functions of their manufacturing products to more specialized and efficient service providers, who later become valued business partners. It looks more like a simple supplementation of resources by subcontracting, but it is actually different to outsourcing. In actual outsourcing, the organization is also involved in substantial restructuring of particular business activities including, often, the transfer of staff from a host company to a specialist, usually smaller, company with the required core competencies. The current stage in the evolution of outsourcing is all about the

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