
The Minimum Driving Age Should Be Raising The Driving Age

Decent Essays

The minimum driving age should not be raised or lowered. In Illinois, for example, the driving age is 16 years old. At a first glance, it seems better to wait until teens are older to begin driving. However, it is apparent that no matter what age a person starts driving, it is up to the driver to determine how safely he or she will drive. It would be pointless to raise the driving age for many reasons. The 16-year-old requirement to receive a driver's license is a standard and common rule. All but a few states use this standard. The driving age should be 16 because accidents happen to everyone, 16-year-olds should learn responsibility, 16-year-olds are not the only immature humans, and 16-year-olds have good mental development. Firstly, accidents happen to everyone. People believe that the reason younger teens are more likely to experience a car accident or wreck is that they have the least experience. That is not always the case. If the age is moved to 18, for example, 18 year-olds are still just as inexperienced as the 16 year-olds. Teens who have little practical experience of driving in the real world will be just as dangerous at any age. Until they have received practice, these drivers are potentially threatening. Driving is a skill that has to be learned. One must develop this skill through experience. Secondly, 16-year-olds need to learn responsibility. By the time children are 16, they need to take on priorities for themselves such as personal transportation.

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