
The Middle Ages: Barbaric Times And Intellectual Depression

Decent Essays

When people associate things with the word “dark” there mainly referring to things that are evil, bad or have an evil look. So when you put the label “Dark ages” on the Middle ages, you make the assumption that it was not a good time. But you’d be mistaken, it was completely the opposite. Though not much revolution took place in the early Middle Ages, the people were happy and content, and "the Dark Ages" just doesn’t fit with that, it’s not a accurate label to put on the Middle Ages.

The word dark ages is referred as Barbaric times and Intellectual Depression. The historians called it intellectual depression because they think that the little knowledge and invention and innovations is why very little came from the Middle Ages. Many historians didn't give it much thought before labeling it because it was only in the beginning of the Middle Ages that not much happened. But they grouped it all and came to the depiction of labeling it the "Dark Age". Over time, "Dark Ages" also lost meaning. When historians first had first used the term, it was meant as a time of darkness where nothing came out. …show more content…

they didn’t look at the advancements that came later in the Middle Ages, people are stuck with the thought of it being dark. When truly, the people did a number of creditable things. For example, when King John started to abuse his power of hierarchy, the people went and wrote the document known as the Magna Carta. If it wasn’t for the people who had the courage to do that and come up with that, the government could be different

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