
The Men We Carry In Our Minds Analysis

Decent Essays

In Scott Russel’s essay, The Men We Carry in Our Minds, he discusses some of the men that impacted his life while he was growing up. Like Russel, almost everyone has an adult figure that impacted them while they were growing up. I was lucky to have many positive influences as a child. Not many people had the same opportunities as I did. Growing up, my mom was a big impact on my life. Two days of the week she was a dental assistant. The other days she was just my mom. When she came home on the days after work she would smell minty and fresh from working in her dental office. I feel blessed to have been able to have my mother as a constant influence in my life. She showed me that I could be as mother as well as have a good job; I did not need to pick one or the other. My mother taught me how to stand up for myself and how not to be a pushover. One of the most important things I think that my mother taught me was how to be compassionate. Even as a young child when I heard about some of the terrible things that had happened in the world, my heart broke for those …show more content…

He worked every day from Monday to Friday. When I was younger, my dad worked in the oil field. Not an easy job, but I never heard him complain about how he wished he could stay at home and look after my sister and I instead of going to work every day. Instead he woke up early every morning and was often gone before I was even awake. When he came home from work he smelled like oil and often had dirty clothes. I used to love giving my dad a hug and just soaking in his scent. His scent reminded me that I was safe and that he would always take care of me. Just like my mother, my father does not believe in gender inequality. He does not believe that it is harder to be a man or that it is harder to be a woman. He believes that each gender has different struggles. Being a stay-at-home mom is a hard job. So is going to work for five days of the

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