
Essay about The Media and Body Image

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The body is a powerful tool - it shows us who we are and who we want to be. Images of the body are just as powerful. The media uses bodies to sell anything from cars to food. While this media tool is very successful, it has a downside in today’s world, and is often very negative toward peoples bodies. Simply stand in a queue at a shopping centre and you will find yourself surrounded by magazines advertising weight loss plans, fashion, and the best diet to take. The media uses this tool to it’s advantage - the promise of a good life lies with those who have a great body. If you are skinny, tall, and have perfect skin, you’re guaranteed to have a good career, a successful marriage, perfect kids, and the best furniture. Often times, people …show more content…

We see ‘ideal selfs’ on the television, so when we log into Facebook, or Twitter, we too create ‘ideal selfs’. If we look at media creating negative self-esteem, the main demographic it effects is women aged about 14-18. Girl Guiding, an organization created for promoting girl’s voices and opinions to be heard conducted a survey, called the Girl’s Attitude Survey. This survey included girls from 11- 21. In 2009, 36% of girls from 11-16 were unhappy with their looks. 1 in 6 girls said they were worried they would develop an eating disorder. They asked girls from 10-21 what aspect they would like to change about themselves. 33% of girls 16-21 wanted to be thinner, compared to 17% of girls 11-13. 66% of girls 16-21 have watched what they were eating, or cut down on their diet. In 2013, 87% of girls from 11-21 thought they were judged more on their appearance and looks than their ability. 80% of the same demographic believe that the media places too much discussion on the bodies and weight of girls and 71% of girls say they would like to lose weight. 31% of girls from 16-21 considered cosmetic surgery, and 47% of girls from 11-16 are unhappy about their looks. You can see that through the years, girls have become more body conscious, and mostly in a negative way. Social media affects girls from a young age. If we were to take a look at Barbie, we would notice that, if she was real, she would be 5’9”, weigh about 110 pounds, have a bust of 39”, 18” waist, 33” hips, and

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