
The Lakota Way Essay

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The most important values in The Lakota Way are love, sacrifice, and wisdom. These words mean a lot to life because everybody has to feel compassion and strong emotion. Giving up your time for extra help and assistance makes your mindset. Being wise and intelligent gets you through life. These values make up the aura that surrounds yours truly. The Lakota people practice an abundance of values, but these seemed worth explaining. Love is a variety of different emotional and mental states, typically strongly and positively experienced, that ranges from deepest interpersonal affection to simple pleasure. This value is precious amongst all humans, it is what makes or breaks us. Not only does love remind us of a time that was relevant or memorable, …show more content…

Like all teachers and counselors, you have to be wise about what you teach and say. Being a wise person is like being a superhero. People will come to you for advice and knowledge. This word is the most important because being wise is one of the best values anybody can learn. You need knowledge and wisdom to guide you through life. The feeling of people coming to you for help and taking what you have to say into consideration is the best feeling anyone can achieve. Not only are you smart, but you also have great intelligence. Acquiring this and having a growth mindset, makes you explore and see the world and mind in a whole different perspective. Being a holy man in the Lakota is a man who speaks the truth. Gives good decisions and is a man everyone sought after for advice. Having great knowledge for life and others was a great way to tell how a mind was like. Being a person of wisdom was a person of honesty and strength through words. From knowing when and what to say, but also from knowing what and when not to speak. Wisdom is the antidote for impatience. Lakota people were strong and always seeked advice when was not sure. All in all, we can all be wise and smart, we can look, see, and hear better with patience and

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