
The Key Roles Of Fidel Castro And The Cuban Revolution

Decent Essays

Fidel Castro took a key role in the Cuban Revolution by leading the Movement in a guerrilla war against Batista's forces from the Sierra Maestra. After Batista's overthrow in 1959 which resulted in the ending of the Cuban revolution, After the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro established a revolutionary socialist state where he assumed military and political power as Cuba’s Prime Minister.
In 1960, (Growing Economic Antagonism), Castro nationalized all foreign assets in Cuba, increased taxes on American imports, and established trade agreements with the Soviet Union. This resulted in the slashing of import quota for Cuban sugar, the freezing of Cuban assets in America, imposing a near-full trade embargo, and cutting off diplomatic ties with the Castro government by …show more content…

However, The Mariel boatlift ended in October of the same year by mutual agreement between the U.S. and Cuba
Through the Helms-Burton act which was passed in 1996, the US sought to stiffen the embargo placed on Cuba and they also tried to weaken the relationship between Cuba and non US foreign investors. The act codified the embargo and included provisions on the peaceful transition of representative democracy and market economic in Cuba. the act also included laws which Prohibited recognition of a transitional government in Cuba that included Fidel or Raúl Castro, United States opposition against Cuban membership in International Financial Institutions, the release of all political prisoners inter

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