
The Jim Crow Laws

Decent Essays

I believe Jim Crow laws were a cruel camouflaged way of segregating African Americans because the cruelty of this were affecting the education and physiological health of the individuals involved, they made life unequal, and promoted discrimination. I believe Jim Crow laws were a cruel hidden way of segregating African Americans because the cruelty of this were affecting the education and physiological health of the individuals involved some ways this was taking shape was “In North Carolina, black and white students had to use separate sets of textbooks, In Florida, the books couldn’t even be stored together, and this was true even for religious purposes, Atlanta courts kept two Bibles: one for black witnesses and one for whites. Virginia told fraternal social groups that black and white members could not address each other as “Brother.” There were some upsetting actions that took place regarding education In 1950, the NAACP decided to challenge the concept of “separate but equal.” Fed up with poor, overcrowded schools, black parents in South Carolina and Virginia sued to get their children into white schools. Both times, federal courts upheld” . In 1971, the psychological part was proved by Professor of Psychology at Stanford University Philip Zimbardo in his study in which he assigned half of his students as “prisoners and half as guards’Within a day, the guards, who wore uniforms, became oppressors and predators of their own classmates. They used shame, sexual

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