
The Issue Of Gun Control

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Literature Review
There is quite a bit of prior research done on gender differences in regard to gun control. The following articles used all help to provide support for the hypothesis that in a comparison of individuals, women are more likely to support stricter gun control laws than men. Most of the articles use polling to help prove this hypothesis, and some even help explain what might cause women to be more supportive of stricter gun control and why this is significant. One article that has research on the subject is from the, and it addresses a 2013 NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that shows that 65 percent of women favor stronger gun laws, compared to only 44 percent of men. These numbers support the hypothesis but the article tries to dive into why gender is related to gun control. The article explains that men are three times more likely to own guns than women and that opinions on the effectiveness of gun laws vary greatly depending on whether you own a gun or if there is one in your house. Therefore an argument can be made that women are more likely to support stricter gun laws because they are less likely to own a gun. The article then also brings up a key counter point that maybe women are just more likely to not own a gun because they are more likely to not support gun ownership. Overall this article reveals data that supports the hypothesis while at the same time helps to better understand the relationship between gender and gun control.

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