
The Issue Of Gun Control

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The topic of gun control is discussed frequently in the presidential debate recently. While it is a constitutional right to bear firearms for citizens to protect themselves, firearms can contribute to crimes and deaths. In my research paper, I hope to prove the effectiveness of gun control policies and thereby advocate for stricter gun control. During my research, I have found three secondary sources that present research findings about issues related to gun control. Specifically, one scholarly article deals with the public’s perception towards the effectiveness of gun policies. Another scholarly article presents a case study of New York gun control laws. The last article talks about the correlation and causation between gun control and gun crime rates. Through my analysis, I found that all three articles have a relatively strong credibility, and the two scholarly articles contain more plausible logic than the third article. The first article that I found is “Assessing Views About Gun Violence Reduction Policy: A Look At Type Of Violence And Expected Effectiveness” by Susan Sorenson. According to the author, the purpose of the research is to explore ways in which surveys about gun policy can be made more useful to policy makers, researchers, and the general public. In her article, the author claimed that the expected effectiveness of a policy was higher among respondents who supported a policy, but sometimes even those who did not support a policy thought it could be

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